Our Rockstars

Our team is comprised of high talent individuals to deliver enterprise level web sites.

Yaslin Carmona
Yaslin Carmona
Software Engineer

A Full Stack Engineer for an established medical technology company, Yaslin is a web artist. She consistently delivers beautiful, high quality web sites.

Lorenzo Mokwa
Lorenzo Mokwa
Software Engineer

Speaks programming as a first language. He is no stranger to going above and beyond and letting his work be his brand.

Omar Laria
Omar Laria
Software Engineer

Graduated from FIU with a degree in computer science. He also spent time at TD Bank as a Technologist. In his spare time he loves to learn new technologies and build exciting projects.

Gabriella Viscito
Gabriella Viscito
Project Manager

A master of organization and time management, she knows exactly how to get any project back on track.

Milena Pupillo
Milena Pupillo
UX/UI Designer

A former sales pro turned design wizard, she brings a keen eye and killer design skills to every project!

Damian Montero
Damian Montero
Software Architect

With over 25 years in the programming industry, he's a true coding sensei and the founder of Florida JS. Formerly with Smart X, his passion for programming shines through, making coding not just his job but his favorite hobby.

Tyler Darden
Tyler Darden
Web Developer

A former Navy nuclear engineer, now a cybersecurity professional and web developer, bringing a unique blend of technical expertise and disciplined precision to every project.

Puplic Relations

Loki charms clients and visitors alike with his friendly demeanor and heart-melting puppy eyes.

Happiness Coordinator

Eevee ensures everyone gets their daily dose of puppy love and wagging tails.
