Follow-Up Now

Rebuilt Landing Page with Improved Visuals and Performance.


Networking and CRM Solutions

Work Duration

2 Weeks

Scope of Work

Project Overview

Objective: To rebuild the landing page for Follow Up Now on the Webflow platform, enhancing its visual appeal, performance metrics, and integration capabilities.


  • Complete rebuild of the landing page on Webflow.
  • Integration of YouTube video and LinkedIn posts.
  • Optimization for high performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO.
  • Maintenance of name servers on GoDaddy with A records directing traffic to the Webflow page.


The previous website needed improvements in visual design, performance metrics, and seamless integration of multimedia content to better serve Follow Up Now's client base and support their networking and CRM solutions.

Solutions Provided


  • We used the existing designs as a reference, updating them based on the client's brand preferences and specifications. This involved refining and enhancing elements to better align with Follow Up Now's brand identity and goals.


  • Rebuilt the landing page on Webflow, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced functionality.
  • Achieved high 90s and 100s in performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO.

Content Management:

  • Utilized Webflow's Editor view for easy content updates.
  • Provided the option to incorporate CMS for future blog expansion.



  • Performance score: High 80’s
  • Accessibility score: 100
  • Best practices score: 96
  • SEO score: 100
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Wali Shareef

Thank you Eddie Espinosa , you and your team were responsive and great to work with as well as affordable! Great work!

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